스프링 부트 공식 레퍼런스를 한글로 번역한 문서입니다.
버전은 2.5.2 기준입니다.
Phillip Webb, Dave Syer, Josh Long, Stéphane Nicoll, Rob Winch, Andy Wilkinson, Marcel Overdijk, Christian Dupuis, Sébastien Deleuze, Michael Simons, Vedran Pavić, Jay Bryant, Madhura Bhave, Eddú Meléndez, Scott Frederick, 2.5.2
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- Getting Help
- Documentation Overview
- Getting Started
- Upgrading Spring Boot
- Developing with Spring Boot
- 6.1. Build Systems
- 6.2. Structuring Your Code
- 6.3. Configuration Classes
- 6.4. Auto-configuration
- 6.5. Spring Beans and Dependency Injection
- 6.6. Using the @SpringBootApplication Annotation
- 6.7. Running Your Application
- 6.8. Developer Tools
- 6.9. Packaging Your Application for Production
- 6.10. What to Read Next
- Spring Boot Features
- 7.1. SpringApplication
- 7.1.1. Startup Failure
- 7.1.2. Lazy Initialization
- 7.1.3. Customizing the Banner
- 7.1.4. Customizing SpringApplication
- 7.1.5. Fluent Builder API
- 7.1.6. Application Availability
- 7.1.7. Application Events and Listeners
- 7.1.8. Web Environment
- 7.1.9. Accessing Application Arguments
- 7.1.10. Using the ApplicationRunner or CommandLineRunner
- 7.1.11. Application Exit
- 7.1.12. Admin Features
- 7.1.13. Application Startup tracking
- 7.2. Externalized Configuration
- 7.3. Profiles
- 7.4. Logging
- 7.5. Internationalization
- 7.6. JSON
- 7.7. Developing Web Applications
- 7.8. Graceful shutdown
- 7.9. RSocket
- 7.10. Security
- 7.11. Working with SQL Databases
- 7.12. Working with NoSQL Technologies
- 7.13. Caching
- 7.14. Messaging
- 7.15. Calling REST Services with RestTemplate
- 7.16. Calling REST Services with WebClient
- 7.17. Validation
- 7.18. Sending Email
- 7.19. Distributed Transactions with JTA
- 7.20. Hazelcast
- 7.21. Quartz Scheduler
- 7.22. Task Execution and Scheduling
- 7.23. Spring Integration
- 7.24. Spring Session
- 7.25. Monitoring and Management over JMX
- 7.26. Testing
- 7.27. WebSockets
- 7.28. Web Services
- 7.29. Creating Your Own Auto-configuration
- 7.30. Kotlin support
- 7.31. Container Images
- 7.32. What to Read Next
- 7.1. SpringApplication
- Spring Boot Actuator: Production-ready Features
- Deploying Spring Boot Applications
- Spring Boot CLI
- Build Tool Plugins
- “How-to” Guides
- 12.1. Spring Boot Application
- 12.2. Properties and Configuration
- 12.2.1. Automatically Expand Properties at Build Time
- 12.2.2. Externalize the Configuration of SpringApplication
- 12.2.3. Change the Location of External Properties of an Application
- 12.2.4. Use ‘Short’ Command Line Arguments
- 12.2.5. Use YAML for External Properties
- 12.2.6. Set the Active Spring Profiles
- 12.2.7. Set the Default Profile Name
- 12.2.8. Change Configuration Depending on the Environment
- 12.2.9. Discover Built-in Options for External Properties
- 12.3. Embedded Web Servers
- 12.3.1. Use Another Web Server
- 12.3.2. Disabling the Web Server
- 12.3.3. Change the HTTP Port
- 12.3.4. Use a Random Unassigned HTTP Port
- 12.3.5. Discover the HTTP Port at Runtime
- 12.3.6. Enable HTTP Response Compression
- 12.3.7. Configure SSL
- 12.3.8. Configure HTTP/2
- 12.3.9. Configure the Web Server
- 12.3.10. Add a Servlet, Filter, or Listener to an Application
- 12.3.11. Configure Access Logging
- 12.3.12. Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server
- 12.3.13. Enable Multiple Connectors with Tomcat
- 12.3.14. Use Tomcat’s LegacyCookieProcessor
- 12.3.15. Enable Tomcat’s MBean Registry
- 12.3.16. Enable Multiple Listeners with Undertow
- 12.3.17. Create WebSocket Endpoints Using @ServerEndpoint
- 12.4. Spring MVC
- 12.4.1. Write a JSON REST Service
- 12.4.2. Write an XML REST Service
- 12.4.3. Customize the Jackson ObjectMapper
- 12.4.4. Customize the @ResponseBody Rendering
- 12.4.5. Handling Multipart File Uploads
- 12.4.6. Switch Off the Spring MVC DispatcherServlet
- 12.4.7. Switch off the Default MVC Configuration
- 12.4.8. Customize ViewResolvers
- 12.5. Jersey
- 12.6. HTTP Clients
- 12.7. Logging
- 12.8. Data Access
- 12.8.1. Configure a Custom DataSource
- 12.8.2. Configure Two DataSources
- 12.8.3. Use Spring Data Repositories
- 12.8.4. Separate @Entity Definitions from Spring Configuration
- 12.8.5. Configure JPA Properties
- 12.8.6. Configure Hibernate Naming Strategy
- 12.8.7. Configure Hibernate Second-Level Caching
- 12.8.8. Use Dependency Injection in Hibernate Components
- 12.8.9. Use a Custom EntityManagerFactory
- 12.8.10. Using Multiple EntityManagerFactories
- 12.8.11. Use a Traditional persistence.xml File
- 12.8.12. Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo Repositories
- 12.8.13. Customize Spring Data’s Web Support
- 12.8.14. Expose Spring Data Repositories as REST Endpoint
- 12.8.15. Configure a Component that is Used by JPA
- 12.8.16. Configure jOOQ with Two DataSources
- 12.9. Database Initialization
- 12.10. Messaging
- 12.11. Batch Applications
- 12.12. Actuator
- 12.13. Security
- 12.14. Hot Swapping
- 12.15. Testing
- 12.16. Build
- 12.16.1. Generate Build Information
- 12.16.2. Generate Git Information
- 12.16.3. Customize Dependency Versions
- 12.16.4. Create an Executable JAR with Maven
- 12.16.5. Use a Spring Boot Application as a Dependency
- 12.16.6. Extract Specific Libraries When an Executable Jar Runs
- 12.16.7. Create a Non-executable JAR with Exclusions
- 12.16.8. Remote Debug a Spring Boot Application Started with Maven
- 12.16.9. Build an Executable Archive from Ant without Using spring-boot-antlib
- 12.17. Traditional Deployment
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