스프링 클라우드 컨트랙트 공식 레퍼런스를 한글로 번역한 문서입니다.
버전은 4.2.0 기준입니다.
Adam Dudczak, Mathias Düsterhöft, Marcin Grzejszczak, Dennis Kieselhorst, Jakub Kubryński, Karol Lassak, Olga Maciaszek-Sharma, Mariusz Smykuła, Dave Syer, Jay Bryant
Spring Cloud Contract는 TDD의 개념을 소프트웨어 아키텍처 수준으로 가져온다. Spring Cloud Contract를 이용하면 컨슈머 주도consumer-driven 및 프로듀서 주도producer-driven 명세contract를 쉽게 테스트할 수 있다.
- Getting Started
- Using Spring Cloud Contract
- 2.1. Provider Contract Testing with Stubs in Nexus or Artifactory
- 2.2. Provider Contract Testing with Stubs in Git
- 2.3. Consumer Driven Contracts with Contracts on the Producer Side
- 2.4. Consumer Driven Contracts with Contracts in an External Repository
- 2.5. Consumer-driven Contracts with Contracts on the Producer Side, Pushed to Git
- 2.6. Provider Contract Testing with Stubs in Artifactory for a non-Spring Application
- 2.7. Provider Contract Testing with Stubs in Artifactory in a Non-JVM World
- 2.8. Provider Contract Testing with REST Docs and Stubs in Nexus or Artifactory
- Spring Cloud Contract Features
- 3.1. Contract DSL
- 3.2. Contracts for HTTP
- 3.3. Dynamic properties
- 3.4. Spring Cloud Contract Integrations
- 3.5. Messaging
- 3.5.1. Messaging DSL Top-level Elements
- 3.5.2. Integrations
- 3.5.3. Producer Side Messaging Test Generation
- 3.5.4. Consumer Stub Generation
- 3.5.5. Consumer Side Messaging With Apache Camel
- 3.5.6. Consumer Side Messaging with Spring Integration
- 3.5.7. Consumer Side Messaging With Spring Cloud Stream
- 3.5.8. Consumer Side Messaging With Spring JMS
- 3.6. Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner
- 3.6.1. Snapshot Versions
- 3.6.2. Publishing Stubs as JARs
- 3.6.3. Stub Runner Core
- 3.6.4. Stub Runner JUnit Rule and Stub Runner JUnit5 Extension
- 3.6.5. Stub Runner Spring Cloud
- 3.6.6. Using the Stub Runner Boot Application
- 3.6.7. Consumer-Driven Contracts: Stubs Per Consumer
- 3.6.8. Fetching Stubs or Contract Definitions From A Location
- 3.6.9. Generating Stubs at Runtime
- 3.6.10. Fail On No Stubs
- 3.6.11. Common Properties
- 3.7. Spring Cloud Contract WireMock
- Docker Project
- Gradle Project
- 5.1. Prerequisites
- 5.2. Add Gradle Plugin with Dependencies
- 5.3. Gradle and Rest Assured 2.0
- 5.4. Snapshot Versions for Gradle
- 5.5. Add stubs
- 5.6. Running the Plugin
- 5.7. Default Setup
- 5.8. Configuring the Plugin
- 5.9. Configuration Options
- 5.10. Single Base Class for All Tests
- 5.11. Different Base Classes for Contracts
- 5.12. Invoking Generated Tests
- 5.13. Publishing Stubs to Artifact Repository
- 5.14. Pushing Stubs to SCM
- 5.15. Spring Cloud Contract Verifier on the Consumer Side
- Maven Project
- 6.1. Adding the Maven Plugin
- 6.2. Maven and Rest Assured 2.0
- 6.3. Using Snapshot and Milestone Versions for Maven
- 6.4. Adding stubs
- 6.5. Run Plugin
- 6.6. Configure plugin
- 6.7. Configuration Options
- 6.8. Single Base Class for All Tests
- 6.9. Using Different Base Classes for Contracts
- 6.10. Invoking Generated Tests
- 6.11. Pushing Stubs to SCM
- 6.12. Maven Plugin and STS
- 6.13. Maven Plugin with Spock Tests
- “How-to” Guides
- 7.1. Why use Spring Cloud Contract?
- 7.2. How Can I Write Contracts in a Language Other than Groovy?
- 7.3. How Can I Provide Dynamic Values to a Contract?
- 7.4. How to Do Stubs versioning?
- 7.5. How Can I use a Common Repository with Contracts Instead of Storing Them with the Producer?
- 7.6. How Can I Use Git as the Storage for Contracts and Stubs?
- 7.7. How Can I Debug the Request/Response Being Sent by the Generated Tests Client?
- 7.8. How Can I Debug the Mapping, Request, or Response Being Sent by WireMock?
- 7.9. How Can I See What Got Registered in the HTTP Server Stub?
- 7.10. How Can I Reference Text from File?
- 7.11. How Can I Generate YAML, or X files from Spring Cloud Contract Contracts?
- 7.12. How Can I Work with Transitive Dependencies?
- 7.13. How Can I Generate Spring REST Docs Snippets from the Contracts?
- 7.14. How Can I Use Stubs from a Location
- 7.15. How Can I Generate Stubs at Runtime
- 7.16. How Can I Make The Build Pass if There Are No Contracts or Stubs
- 7.17. How Can I Mark that a Contract Is in Progress
- Spring Cloud Contract customization
- Common application properties
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스프링 클라우드 컨트랙트 문서 저작권 소개