스프링 배치 공식 레퍼런스를 한글로 번역한 문서입니다.
버전은 4.2.x 기준입니다.
- Spring Batch Introduction
- What’s New in Spring Batch 4.2
- The Domain Language of Batch
- Configuring and Running a Job
- Configuring a Step
- ItemReaders and ItemWriters
- 6.1. ItemReader
- 6.2. ItemWriter
- 6.3. ItemProcessor
- 6.4. ItemStream
- 6.5. The Delegate Pattern and Registering with the Step
- 6.6. Flat Files
- 6.7. XML Item Readers and Writers
- 6.8. JSON Item Readers And Writers
- 6.9. Multi-File Input
- 6.10. Database
- 6.11. Reusing Existing Services
- 6.12. Validating Input
- 6.13. Preventing State Persistence
- 6.14. Creating Custom ItemReaders and ItemWriters
- 6.15. Item Reader and Writer Implementations
- Scaling and Parallel Processing
- Repeat
- Retry
- Unit Testing
- Common Batch Patterns
- 11.1. Logging Item Processing and Failures
- 11.2. Stopping a Job Manually for Business Reasons
- 11.3. Adding a Footer Record
- 11.4. Driving Query Based ItemReaders
- 11.5. Multi-Line Records
- 11.6. Executing System Commands
- 11.7. Handling Step Completion When No Input is Found
- 11.8. Passing Data to Future Steps
- JSR-352 Support
- Spring Batch Integration
- Monitoring and metrics
Next :
Spring Batch Introduction
스프링 배치 소개 한글 번역